Dreams About Condom: An Interpretation of the Condom Dream
What Does the Condom Dream Mean?
CLICK HERE for for an Expert’s Opinion on Your Condom Dream!
Since the start of life, people have wished to understand the message of their dreams.This dream isn’t any unique from other kinds of dreams.
Lots of people have the Condom dream and need to realize precisely what this means.
On the next paragraphs you can find the most popular interpretation belonging to the Condom dream. Even though this is only 1 way to interpret this sort of dream, it should ensure that you get a good quality start to comprehending exactly why you may be dreaming about Condom.
So with out further ado, this is the most popular Condom significance:
To see a wrapped condom in your dream, represents your one-sided viewpoints and not allowing others to voice their opinions. It also symbolizes sexual possibilities.
To see an unwrapped condom in your dream, indicates sexual frustration. Additionally, it may also indicate that you are experiencing some anxiety about pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.
To dream that you or your partner is wearing a condom, suggests that you feel emotionally protected.
It is crucial for you to consider you are not the only person who dreams about Condom. You can find some people such as you, so you might be able to discover individuals on-line who write about comparable dreams. This might be particularly crucial for those who dream about Condom frequently.
We invite you to talk about your specific Condom dream story down below in the comments field. It will allow other people to go through the story of this dream and discover the way it applies to their dream pertaining to Condom.
All you need to do is place your name or an made up name for those who elect to and e-mail plus your message down the page. Your own contact data will not be put up unless you choose to reveal it in your Condom dream account.
We hope this was an enlightening interpretation of your Condom Dream