Dreams About Children: An Interpretation of the Children Dream

What Does the Children Dream Mean?

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Since the start of life, people have desired to know the message with their dreams.This dream isn’t different from other sorts of dreams.

Many people have the Children dream and are thinking about determine exactly what it implies.

Down the page you will see that a regular interpretation of this Children dream. Even though this really is just one approach to read this type of dream, it might ensure that you get a good start to recognizing for what reason you could possibly be dreaming about Children.

As a result with out further ado, the following is the common Children psychological significance:

To see children in your dream, signifies your own childlike qualities or a retreat back to a childlike state. It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and a carefree attitude. You may be longing for the past and the chance to satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. Perhaps there is something that you need to see grow and nurtured.

To dream that your own grown children are still very young, indicates that you still see them as young and dependent. You want to feel needed and significant.

To dream that you are watching children but they do not know you are there, is a metaphor for some hidden knowledge or some latent talent which you have failed to recognize.

To save a child, signifies your attempts to save a part of yourself from being destroyed.

It can be vital for you to consider that you are not the only person who dreams about Children. There are many people similar to you, and you just might discover individuals on the internet who write about related dreams. This might be particularly significant for those who dream about Children regularly.

We invite you to talk about your unique Children dream tale down below in the comments field. This can allow other people to read situation of the dream and observe how it pertain to their dream concerning Children.

All you need to do is place your name or an anonymous name should you decide to and email in addition your report down the page. Your personal contact information will not be put up if you don’t decide to reveal it on your Children dream story.

We hope this was an enlightening interpretation of your Children Dream

3 Responses to “Dreams About Children: An Interpretation of the Children Dream”

  • Mindy:

    Ok for the past 2 weeks i have been having this dream that the sky is a mirro and it is leaking silver stuff from it in my dream i awake from the ground and iam on a small dirt path sorounded by trees iam wearing a old timy white dress with long curly bright blond hair which is not how my hair is at all as i walk down this path i see a little girl in the woods pointing at me but her face is changing to sevril diffrent little girls faces i hear the sound of a clock all around me i keep walking the path and i come to a old abandon church where a little boy in cover all is sitting on the step playing with a yo yo he looks up at me and reptaly says tic toc tic toc and points at me i look up at a large cloch that sats on the top of this old church and it is broken but it still makes the sound and it rings when it hits 3:oo i dont no if it is am or pm but when it hits 3 i wake up what could this mean??

  • eric:

    I had this vivid dream..i dont remember most of it ..i hd woken from a previous dream..but when i went into this one before i woke up..I remember this part really well..”these 2 kids were sitting and maybe their have might been more but these 2 kids were showing off their remote controlled Spaceships..lol weird(i know) the first one sent his off..then the other kid ..says the name of it..something like some alien name x239 or something..that wasnt but it was around that. and he sent his up and it Blue and had these Flashing Lights.” They were not arguing but one of them was just being cocky or arrogant and said “well check this out.” for some reason this part of my dream has not left my memory bank.

  • saurabh tyagi:

    i saw my grand mother and my mothers father in my dream
    but in reality they are late now
    i want to know that what does this kind of dream means?
