Dreams About Genitals: An Interpretation of the Genitals Dream
What Does the Genitals Dream Mean?
CLICK HERE for for an Expert’s Opinion on Your Genitals Dream!
So long as mankind has been around, people have needed to comprehend the explanation of their dreams.This dream is no different from other forms of dreams.
Lots of people have the Genitals dream and need to determine just what this means.
On the next paragraphs you will see that a regular meaning of this Genitals dream. Despite the fact that this is just one way to translate this dream, it might give you a fantastic start to understanding how come you might be dreaming about Genitals.
And so with no further ado, we have found the most popular Genitals interpretation:
To dream of your genitals, represents your feelings toward sex/sexuality and your attitudes toward masculinity/femininity. It also relates to issues of commitment and pleasure.
*Please see also Penis and Vagina.
It can be vital that you remember you are not the only person who dreams about Genitals. You’ll find many people just like you, so you may be able to discover people over the internet who write about equivalent dreams. This can be particularly significant if you dream about Genitals on a regular basis.
We request you to reveal your specific Genitals dream story down the page inside the comments area. This will allow others to read situation of the dream and observe the way it corelates to their dream pertaining to Genitals.
All you have to to do is place your first name or an anonymous name should you decide to and e mail plus your tale below. Your own contact information and facts won’t be put up unless you decide to reveal it in your Genitals dream description.
We hope this was an enlightening interpretation of your Genitals Dream
I’m a female, but i’ve been having a lot of dreams lately where i have a penis, and it’s always erect. Usually i’ll be masturbating or someone will be doing it for me. I’ve had thoughts before that i may be a transgender (male mind in female body) but i’m really not sure, because i think i would have already known that i was by now because i’m 18 years old.
Hi Lindsay,
I’m 26 years old and cancompletely relate. Infact, I just woke froma disturbing dream that I was 12 or 13 and discovered I had both genatalia. When questioning my mother about it andher hiding it for years from me (and the rest of my family), she divulged that she “was born with one” that was removed because of a deformity.
I cantell you, it is hard to not let these dreams bother you, they have me. But the good thing is that they happen for a reason, right? Some might immediately coin this case as repressed homosexuality, and I can openinly admit that I’ve always ponderex the idea but never pursued it. Inall honesty I have a strange sexual energy (some women do) but I have always loved being with a man.
To return to the dream, my mother was the aggressor, and my siblings had NO genetalia, so that is the thing I’m focusing on. How has my relationship with my mother failed, how do I view her as a female role-model?
My sister also just happened to have a baby 🙂
Chin up, keep a journal, and don’t lose your head!