Dreams About Sphinx: An Interpretation of the Sphinx Dream

What Does the Sphinx Dream Mean?

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Since the starting of history, humans have needed to understand the message with their dreams.This dream isn’t unique from other sorts of dreams.

Plenty of people have the Sphinx dream and just want to know precisely what it means.

Beneath you can find the common interpretation of the Sphinx dream. Whilst this really is only one way to translate this sort of dream, it might offer you a fantastic start to knowing the reason why you could possibly be dreaming about Sphinx.

Which means with out further ado, this is more common Sphinx psychological significance:

To see a sphinx in your dream, signifies fear of the unknown.

It is necessary that you should take into account that you’re not the only human being who dreams about Sphinx. There are many people such as you, so you just might find individuals on-line who write about the same dreams. This may be especially important for those who dream about Sphinx routinely.

We request you to reveal your individual Sphinx dream story down the page inside the comments area. It will allow others to look over situation of your dream and look at the way it pertain to their dream pertaining to Sphinx.

All you have to to do is place your name or an anonymous name if you decide to and e mail in addition your story below. Your personal contact details will not be posted if you don’t elect to reveal it in your Sphinx dream story.

We hope this was an enlightening interpretation of your Sphinx Dream

One Response to “Dreams About Sphinx: An Interpretation of the Sphinx Dream”

  • In my dream people were turning into humanoid monsters. Many of them were what we would call evil, murderers and other very negative images. Some of these “people” who had become monsters had not lost their humanity. Many still worked their jobs and contributed positively to their community. SO just because they looked like demons or monsters they retained their humanity and kindness. They had families who they cared greatly for. Later in the dream I found myself in a hospital. My left foot, in a very small area had started to transfer physically into one of these monsters. It was healed. However while I was in this hospital I watched as sphinx like person was being admitted. SHE had the head of a white cat with a very sad look. Her body was a mix of animal and human however she did move forward of four legs. Her tail had a mouth on its tip with long pointed teeth. While she did not have the typical human face of a sphinx her eyes were very much human. When I looked at them there was no mistaking that she was human in this sad and hopeless form. When she first came in I looked at her saying to another patient,”There’s no hope for her.” As soon as I said it I looked deep in her eyes and saw the great sadness in her eyes. Men roamed the country side killing anybody that was turning into one of these monsters but I kept seeing the humanity, which had not been lost, in many of their eyes. They may have ooked like moonsters but they were good “people” Some were completely lost but many were not. This non-conventional image of the sphinx (as she had the face of a cat with very sad human eyes has stayed with me for over a year now and to this day it brings up very confusing feelings in me. feelings which I cannot even find words for her. The only words I can put to a portion of these feelings are sadness, ignorance of the unchanged people towards the sick (prejudice) and my own sense of guilt for first judging this person as hopeless when I first saw her followed by the hard hitting realization that this was a human who was suffering and deserved to be treated with respect, care and love. This sphinx was very much alive yet she had the face of a cat. There was also feelings of loss and the reality of a war. I have been unable to find any info on dream interpretation of a living sphinx, especially one who was alive and in a word human, just sick. Any ideas?