Dreams About Defecate: An Interpretation of the Defecate Dream

What Does the Defecate Dream Mean?

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For hundreds of years, humans have needed to comprehend the meaning with their dreams.The Defecate dream is not any unique from many other varieties of dreams.

Many of us have the Defecate dream and would like to know precisely just what exactly this means.

Followed below you’ll discover the normal meaning of this Defecate dream. Whilst this is just one way to translate this type of dream, it ought to ensure that you get an excellent start to understanding for what reason you may be dreaming about Defecate.

Which means with out further ado, here is the normal Defecate psychological significance:

To dream that you are defecating on someone, indicates your anger and hostility for that person.

To dream that you are being defecated on, represents feelings of guilt and unworthiness. You may be suffering from low self-esteem.

*Please see also Bowel Movement or Feces.

It will be significant that you bear in mind that you’re not the only man or women who dreams about Defecate. You will discover many people such as you, and you just might discover people on the net who share similar dreams. This can be especially important if you dream about Defecate routinely.

We invite you to talk about your personal Defecate dream tale down the page inside the comments area. This could allow people to look over situation of your dream and discover the way it pertain to their dream in relation to Defecate.

All you have to to do is insert your first name or an incognito name for those who choose to and email in addition your report below. Your personal contact info won’t be posted if you don’t choose to share it inside your Defecate dream story.

We hope this was an enlightening interpretation of your Defecate Dream

One Response to “Dreams About Defecate: An Interpretation of the Defecate Dream”

  • Doug:

    I had a vivid dream where I was asked to try a new toilet in a city park like setting. As I was walking by, a man at the entrance asked if I’d like to try a new toilet concept and I said sure as I needed to go. The toilet was in a large plywood box about 10′ x 10′ x 10′, there was an internal wall that hid the toilet and I had to walk around. I pulled down my clothes and was very comfortable going to the bathroom #1&2 to be exact. In the middle of my movement, all these people started to enter and where now staring to crowd around me looking at the new Toilet Concept, at the same moment the exterior wall to my right side gave way and exposed me sitting on the toilet there was a mesh screen that was left in place. Everybody from outside could see in and see me on the toilet. The people inside and out didn’t care that I was on the loo as though I was part of the display. I was extremely embarrassed and wanted nothing more than to get of the toilet but when I tried to wipe people noticed me and made a huge commotion so I stopped and sat for a while. (I felt betrayed by the man who asked if I wanted to try the new toilet concept). I bucked up and went through cleaning myself (lots of TP used) while drawing a lot of attention from the people outside on the other side of the mesh screening. As I finally fined I was able to get up and pull up my pants and in the process didn’t realize I also had on long johns too. In the bowl I noticed a lot of fecal matter. I was able to walk away realizing in a few moments no one would realize it was me that was on the toilet.

    Very bazaar and very real. Any explanations?